Here at Gutz Construction, we take safety very serious. That's why we saw to it that you would be able to read and understand first hand what we do in order to ensure the safety of our staff and crew on the field.
Gutz Construction maintains an unwavering commitment to safety, focused on preserving the welfare of our employees, subcontractor crews, clients and team members who visit our jobsites as well as members of the public adjacent to our project sites. Pride in a safe workplace is its own reward, which is why it has been our top priority over all our years in service.
Since the construction process is dynamic and constantly changing, Gutz Construction utilizes a combination of resources to ensure the safety of those working on or near the project. One of our resources includes Safety by Design, a third party safety consultant who provides ongoing safety support to our entire company and conducts periodic inspections (minimum of one per month per project) in an effort to identify and correct hazards. In addition, our Safety Committee meets monthly and reviews audit data from all projects, subcontractor safety performance, and any federal regulatory issues or concerns.
Written practices also help convey our safety procedures. Compliance verification assures we are true to our plan. All Gutz Construction projects receive daily safety evaluations and a weekly safety inspection. Safety stickers on hard hats indicate who has completed project-specific safety orientation and has site access. Software streamlines our safety inspection process — the database system allows us to accurately audit our projects and grade the safety performance of our personnel and subcontractors.
Every project has different factors that are considered when determining the best program to put in place. In some cases a full time safety coordinator is placed on the project to monitor safety on a daily basis. In other cases, periodic inspections that provide a “snapshot” of the safety on that particular project is sufficient. Each case is different and the appropriate solution for the project is agreed in partnership with the project team.
We are very proactive and committed to ensuring that all construction site personnel are aware of Gutz Construction’s strict safety policy and that all federal and company policies are adhered to on a daily basis.